His voice was amazing, he rocked out hard, but kept the 50's style romantic feel. Lyrics told comedic, yet sometimes violent, tales about living in the dirty city and dating dirty women. But as we said, it was still romantic. The girls we invited to see Parts For People stoked the fires of our rock and roll jealousy as they fawned over the cool cat. The rest of the crowd consisted of mainly skate rats, or hiply dressed skate marmots rather, as Hanni is a fashion designer in the skateboarding universe. They bobbed heads and howled like animals as their man dominated the stage.
Boys IV Men topped off the evening with crazy instrumental electronic disco punk. French girls danced, an amazing electric light show blazed, and we ended the night dancing to Michael Jackson, with my favorite song PYT, playing three times. Goddess bless his soul. This marks the end of an era that I am sure foretells a new stage in the natural and supernatural evolution of our species.